Friday, April 28, 2006

Weight Watchers Rocks!

The new young hip Doug! And yes, he is wearing a trendy
Hollister t- shirt. I think that this is he new favorite attire!
Don't cha love the new frames he just got!

(We had to throw away these pants he was was a great day!)

I know that most everyone knows or has known about Doug's significant weight loss (30+ lbs). Since I am using this as a journal for myself I am going to write it out anyway......The funny thing is that most people asked him why he was even doing it and that they thought he really didn't need to loose the weight. Well, for as long as I can remember Doug has always wanted to lose weight and has tried different techniques but nothing ever worked. So it was a personal decision on his part and I was going to support him 100% of the way. It wasn't until Jan 1st of this year we were inspired by other family members (thanks Jen & Kathy) to jump on the weight watcher band wagon. I must say it took a lot of effort on both of our parts since I was doing most of the cooking. We literally ate home almost everyday for lunch and dinner. (Doug was only able to do that because he had two months of research) I think it worked for Doug because the program is based on a point system and he was constantly just keeping tally of his points for the day. The great thing about W.W. is that if you exercise you can earn extra points, therefore you are able to eat a little bigger portions or have a low fat treat. (He literally lived on skinny cows) Here is proof evidence of the before & after Doug! I must say that I married a hottie in my book.