Friday, September 01, 2006

Round two

As if you need to know more…………..

1. I am the oldest child of three.

2. I would throw away my PC and get a Mac if I had the money.

3. I hang dry almost all my clothes and then dewrinkle them in the dryer. (in order to spend less time ironing)

4. I am easily sidetracked when reading. I find any excuse to get up.

5. The only time I sit during the day is at the computer or watching my t.v. show(s).

6. I have never applied and gotten a job. All of mine were through someone I knew or a connection.

7. My parents both have holidays for birthdays (Valentines and 4th of July)

8. My first car was an 83’ White mustang with ruby red interior.

9. I have had several batteries die due to leaving my lights on in the car.

10. I love fleur de lis and find myself frequently picking up items with them on it.

11. I take all of my jewelry off even my ring before going to bed.

12. I wash my face with hand soap or a dove bar in the shower.

13. My favorite card game is Skip Bo.

14. I often switch up my favorite candies (it drives my husband crazy) depending on my mood.

15. I love looking at stationary online and in stores, but rarely buy any.

16. I love my feet and am happy I inherited my mom’s.

17. I can type about 75 wpm, at least the last I tested. I love typing or 10-keying.

18. Much of my spare time is folding laundry or on the computer.

19. I am left-handed.

20. The way I could tell the difference between left and right as a kid was because I have a bump on my left middle finger from writing.

21. As a non-member I sent out a missionary and he came home after two weeks. I broke up with him and called him a quitter.

22. I don’t enjoy watching or playing baseball, I dated ALL baseball players in high school.

23. When I was in high school I would eat 2 double cheeseburgers at McDonalds because they were so cheap (Eeww!)

24. I haven’t been to McDonalds in over a year, thanks to Supersize the movie.

25. I am a Madonna junkie. My first cd was The Immaculate Collection. I still have it.

26. I would love to go to a Pearl Jam or Lenny Kravtz concert with Doug.

27. I love shopping, but rarely shop for myself.

28. I never shopped for my clothes until I was married. My mom always just brought them home. I always liked what she got.

29. I still use the same plastic cup I got from Dynamite Express drill team with my name on it. I got it in 8th grade.

30. My favorite cereal used to be Bran Flakes, now it’s Special K.

31. I prefer milk over water any day.

32. People say I have picked up an accent living in TX. I don’t think I do.

33. I wear a shade shirt everyday. Maybe I should be a spokesperson or sales rep?

34. My camera is kept in my purse at all times.

35. I got my first “real” coach leather purse for my birthday last year thanks to my hubby.

36. I have a fetish if my kids have a dirty nose and constantly picking them.

37. I can only chew one type of gum other type’s make me nauseated. Orbits sweet mint I can tolerate.

38. I used to love horror movies until I saw The Ring--it freaked me out and I haven’t seen one since.

39. I have gotten VIP tickets to the American Music Awards 3 times thanks to my uncle (an ABC photographer). I got to meet several famous musicians and autographs.

40. I would live in California if it wasn’t so expensive, I am settling for AZ instead.

41. My dream car is a Yukon XL Denali.

42. I am a minivan snob. I said I would NEVER drive one until I met my Honday Odyssey. I love it!

43. I only have 3 pairs of jeans I wear.

44. My husband has more clothes than me and shoes for that matter.

45. I drank regular soda until one year ago. I can’t imagine going back.

46. If and when we get a dog we are naming him “Bones”

47. I throw away pretty much everything, but still have my pom poms from high school.

48. I wear flip flops 10 months out of the year.

49. I love xm radio and haven’t listened regular since I got one.

50. I don’t ever turn on the t.v. during the day, I prefer music or silence.

51. I rarely turn on lights in our house unless necessary. It drives my husband crazy. He likes a lot of lights on. I prefer saving energy.

52. I used to be afraid of the dark, but since I am home alone a lot at night I have over come that fear.

53. I change my bed sheets every Monday.

54. I HATE making my boys bunk beds.

55. After blow drying my hair I wipe up the floor with a piece of toilet paper.

56. I smell my hair out of nervous habit.

57. I hate leaving dishes in the sink, it is a rare occurrence.

58. I had a group of friends sit me down in 10th grade and gain up and pick apart the things they didn't like about me. I have never been in a big group of "girlfriends" since. The hardest part was they were my carpool!

59. I rarely return anything from the store unless necessary.

60. I ALWAYS spend too much money at Target and Sam’s Club.

61. I delete photos off my camera when I print them out.

62. I made friends with guys more easily in highschool (see #58).

63. In 8th grade I was caught by my mom wearing a piece of her clothing…I think a jacket. She was so mad hid all my clothes and made me wear an outfit I hated EVERY day for a week. (isn’t that mean?)

64. I enjoy watching teen movies. Mean Girls and She’s the Man are some of my favorites.

65. All of my sibling’s names begin with J.

66. My brother is blind and almost deaf.

67. Having a candle in the bathroom is a MUST.

68. I hate when you go into a bathroom anywhere and there is no soap. Yuck!

69. I have ALWAYS taken a lot of pictures no matter where I go.

70. I have a handful of close friends that I talk to weekly.

71. My favorite past time as a kid was riding my bike to 7-11 and buying banana squares (they used to be like this before ropes).

72. I still use the blanket my friend made me in 7th grade. It’s my favorite.

73. My name would have been Jaime if I was a boy.

74. I never got varicose veins until baby #4.

75. I have grandma legs, but fear the pain would be too great to remove them. (my vericose veins)

76. Doug is my best friend.

77. I frequently vacuum my house. I wish I owned a Dyson.

78. I love to read entertainment magazines. People is my favorite.

79. I played the clarinet for 4 years and was ALWAYS last chair.

80. I want to learn how to decorate cakes.

81. I would love to take a photography class.

82. I have made several quilts, but have given many away.

83. I want to own a ski boat.

84. An annual family picture is a must have for me.

85. It bothers me when people tell me I am thin.

86. I often crave Chick Fila chicken mini’s. Writing it makes me hungry.

87. I am always telling my kids to “hurry up!”

88. Growing up my family went to Mattas Mexican restaurant every Friday at 6pm.

89. People often mistake my name and call me Mrs. Claus. It’s pronounced like house with a c.

90. I wish I could do a back handspring.

91. I HATED high school, but loved my 9th grade year in junior high.

92. I ran for 7th grade president at Poston Jr. High. My slogan was so lame.

93. I often tell Doug to slow down, but I often drive fast.

94. I never got a speeding ticket until moving to New Orleans. That place is cop happy!

95. I hope I am as healthy when I am my grandma’s age (she is 78).

96. I am constantly cleaning my ears with cutips.

97. I wipe down my counters when I am on the phone. It’s a habit.

98. I snort when I laugh hard.

99. I crack my knuckles, but hate when others do it. (gross, I know).

100. I can’t believe I was able to write another 100 things about me!

Thursday, August 31, 2006


My sweet Weston has been feeling a little under the weather this week. He woke up with a snotty/runny nose a couple of days ago. He has been super clingy and whiney. All my other kids when sick are quite demanding of my attention right then and there or else! However, this little guy just wants a hug. Taylor captured him doing this today. He seriously does this all day long....and I am really not exaggerating. Its almost like fuel for the moment for him. Once he gives you a big squeeze he is satisfied & off playing toys. I love this trait about him. He is the only one of my kids that has been a HUGE cuddler. I hope he doesn't grow out of this too soon, because who doesn't need a big squeeze now and again?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Funny Day

Today I would consider myself pretty organized. My house was picked up before I went for a walk, which is rare since we leave a little before 8am or right after we drop off the kids. After coming home I showered and took Luke to school. He was a little late this morning because I wanted to be completely ready since Angie and I had decided to go to the temple. As I was gathering my stuff to get ready I realized that I had left my recommend in Doug's wallet. I normally do this when we go together so I don't have to mess with it. RATS! I thought to myself, the babysitter was just about to show up and Angie was ready to go.....I went into panick mode. I immediately called Doug's cell phone--no answer. I knew he had morning surgery cases but it was emergent! I wasn't going to give up my last day with babysitters and not be able to go. Finally, after calling about 4 more of Doug's colleagues answered the phone. (he is not a member). I told him that I needed something out of Doug's wallet, my temple recommend. In which he said, "your whhaaat?" Finally, after a couple of seconds he turned to Doug who was scrubed in a case. (Once you are scrubed in and sterile you can't touch ANYTHING) Of course he knew what I needed and proceeded to take a towel to whip out his wallet and knock it on the floor. (Will) his friend had no idea what a temple recommend looked like. Luckily one of the students who is rotating here from Tulane happened to be in the room (and a member) pointed out the right little document that I needed. I called Will and he was nice enough to run my holy piece of paper down to me in the parking lot. I had to laugh because I am sure he thought we mormons are a little strange.

Having said stirred up a little in the OR room today. All the people in the room were asking about temples. And was recommend a noun? Ummm Doug said, well I guess it is in our church. Why only members could go in, and not all members could attend, etc. Then the whole polygamy and Jessups case was brought up. Doug made it very clear that Jessups was not MORMON. It creeps me out to think that people assume we are associated with that group of people. Anyways, I had to chuckle when Doug told me that. At least he got to share the gospel a bit today right? Sorry to cause such a chaotic operating day! Oh, and I failed to mention this all occured during one of the most stressful times. The patient began to bleed out--of course the patient is okay. But when you are trying to concentrate on a surgery you really don't want to be have a deep discussion about the church.

I did make it to the temple and for the first time I did initiatories. I haven't done these since I went through for the first time 10 years ago. It was such a great experience. The best part was we were able to sit in the celestial room after the ordinance. Since our tummies were extra hungry we couldn't pass up a trip to Chuy's. Afterall we were only a few miles from it.

We came home and sadly said our goodbyes to Brandon and Laura. We will really miss them. I am sure they are more than ready to go back up to school since they have been living with her parents as newlyweds for the past 2 weeks! So for now we are really high and dry for babysitters. We only have 4 young women in our ward total! Can you believe that?? None are really babysitting material, at least for my 18-month and 3-year-old. I think the older ones would be fine, but I have to consider the other factor. Too bad Taylor wasn't just a bit older that would be perfect!

Can you believe this shirt was only $9.97??

I ended the day with a trip to Wal-mart. Yes, I know we all love this place. I normally really hate it, but Angie had this darling shirt on today and when I asked her where she got it, she said none other than Wal-mart! She always finds the cutest clothes for the greatest prices. So, I couldn't pass up the opportunity of getting a shirt for $9.97 and so cute at that! And we are the doublemint twins. I also found some great scrapbooking items, iron ons, ribbon all in the clearance isle. Perfect!! I am stocked up with projects for a while. Now if I can only motivate myself to doing them.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


It's been a few days and too much to write, so this may be a highlight of events over the past few days. The weird thing is my days had a bit of a pattern: good-bad/terrible-good. So I guess I will break them up accordingly. First and foremost we have AIR CONDITIONING. That is a huge relief after a few days without it!


I must say I have an obsession with these boys!
I love dressing them all alike in my favorite Gap items
along with Children's Place ties!

I actually had a pretty good attitude about church today, my kids were oddly well behaved so I was able to listen to the speakers in sacrament. Since it was high council Sunday we had the same lessons taught in sacrament and relief society. It was on The Abundant Life by Elder Wirthlin. In brief we discussed what an abundant life and came up with the conclusion that your life is what you make of it. So true! A person with an abundant life normally has a positive outlook in ANY situation and it is also one who is spiritually full. I love the quote Elder Wirthlin gave in his talk.... "The abundant life is within our reach if only we drink deeply of living water, fill our hearts with love, and create of our lives a masterpiece."

I didn't go into the adult Sunday school class since Doug teaches the youth Sunday school. I love going in and listening to his lessons because he is such a great teacher. He taught and discussed about the life of Job. Those who aren't familar with it basically he was a rich man with many possessions, had many children and very successful. All within a matter of days it was gone by various things. He was left with nothing, but never murmured against the Lord. Can you imagine having all of these wonderful worldly possessions, loved by everyone, having a great family and gone in an instant? And on top of that ended up getting nasty boils all over his body so he even didn't have his health. I think if that were me I would be doing some serious complaining. Instead of cursing everyone around him he choose to be grateful for what he had and in the end the Lord blessed him ten fold. It made me stop and think about how very little of importance worldly things are. Those who are abundant in life aren't necessarily the richest. We should be thankful for the small things. I love what Tasha quoted to Michelle, "I have learned to love my body for how it works and not what it looks like." I think that is so true we should be thankful our arms and legs can allow us to walk, cook, clean, pick up our kids, etc. I was watching the hurricane Katrina stories on Sunday and they interviewed a doctor who stayed behind to help through those first 72 hours. It was so amazing to hear his story, but the thing that touched me was he saw a man outside the convention center in a wheel chair who had SEVERE cerebral palsy. He didn't say anything to this doctor, but the man in the wheelchair reached out to give him a hug. Can you imagine the situation and he was expressing love??


Without going into too much personal detail. It was just a bad day that went into terrible. I had issues with Jared's pediatric dentist, money woes, bills to deal with and on top of that was seriously WAY emotional. So with all that said I am glad Monday is over. However, I did get my house cleaned, laundry caught up, and watered my yard. Maybe I should have more bad days, because I really seem to be more productive when I am upset about something and normally don't eat. Or maybe it was because I left my computer alone. However, I don't think I would take yesterday back for anything. I'll chalk it up to experience instead.


The good thing about having awesome friends around is that they know your ends and outs. Angie gave me a package today to cheer me up! Seriously I have said this a thousand times.......I don't know who I would turn to since she literally is my Texas family. She brought over an awesome magazine filled with great ideas on cards, a bag of twix, pink magnetic pad of paper, and a very thoughtful card. I may just have to use a couple of these ideas. Sooo cute!

On another note, I mailed off a STASH of good mail today. (No picture to document, but secret bloggers, and real bloggers be on the lookout). That made me feel better as well. There is just something about giving that makes you feel great inside. While I was at the grocery store today my all time holiday favorite candy was on the shelfs. The Halloween Brachs Indian Corn was out!! Woo hoo! Needless to say I bought about 3 bags since it was on sale for .99.

I decided since I was on the side of town I normally don't travel to to stop at a second hand bookstore. It was called Nine Lives. And yes, there were live cats roaming the store!! Pretty funny/weird all at once. I got a chuckle from it with all of the cat momentos. Of course, Luke stayed right by my side (which was nice) he is terrified of animals. Whereas, Weston was walking around calling the "doggies." He is our animal lover. I should have taken a picture it was quite comical. Anyways, well I think that is a rap for the last few days!

Oh, and on another random note, can you believe that we devoured this thing on Saturday night? It is called the Mile High Sundae.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


New Orleans 2 days post Katrina

Since this weekend is the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina I couldn't help reflect back on it. Actually, I get emotional just thinking about it and looking through old photos.....

When I was doing laundry in my un-airconditioned house it dawned on me that this was the year mark of Hurricane Katrina. I can only imagine what it would of been with that, no food, no water and extra humidity! It was just painful without my air in my home and I had all other ammenities. I remember calling my good friend Allison as the storm drew closer to see if she was leaving. I called her periodically to check up on them to see if and when they were evacuating. I told them to drive to our house which is part of the evacuation route. Of course since her husband was on call they weren't able to leave the city until the last minute. You can only imagine what the traffic was like. It took them nearly 14+ hours to get to Houston. Normally that is a 5 hour drive. I was sad they never quite made it to San Antonio, but was glad they got a flight out to Utah to be with their family. It's one of those moments much like 9-11 I remember so vividly. I wasn't there of course but was glued to the television all day as well as the internet waiting for updates. I probably was more intrigued because this was once a place I called home and it all was too familiar to me. I sat at my house in awe and felt so helpless for those whose homes were there, places I knew and wishing I could help.

Me & Alli

I was able to help track down family who had gotten separated and were in different shelters. I was in touch with our old R.S. president who had contacted me to see what I could do. The family was once in our ward and ironically got sent to the shelter here in San Antonio. Doug went down to the shelter a couple of times to help aid the refugees and try and look for them. I can only imagine what those people went through getting out of the city.

During this process I got a phone call from a sweet volunteer worker in Houston and literally went the extra mile in helping this family. Some how through the salvation army website we were able to track different members. I got on and left my contact information so they could call me in case they should find one another. She helped locate them and even took them out to eat a few times. I am sure the food distributed wasn't all too tasty in the Alamo Dome. And she extra mile to help. I didn't do much but make a few phone calls, but was glad to here there family reunited. And our old R.S. ward adopted their family! It was so great I think they raised nearly over $1000. Isn't that wonderful?? Sadly, I don't even know where this family is today, but my hopes are they are doing well and they are in a good place.

I am glad and happy today that our close friends are safe and sound and fortunately their home was not damaged. My heart goes out to those families who lost it all. I can only imagine. Just an FYI there is a Discovery Channel special tomorrow night at 9pm regarding Hurricane Katrina.

Friday, August 25, 2006


I think Weston partied to hard last night because
he never falls asleep on our morning walks.

Last night about 5:30pm I went outside because our unit was gradually getting louder and sounded horrible. Right then and there it just QUIT. So we were without air at the hotest part of the day. I had already started making some homemade cinnamon rolls for the orthopedic bake sale that I volunteered to help out with and wasn't about to cook them in my oven. So, of course our great friends as ALWAYS came to the rescue. We fed our kids at home, bathed them and decided to go to Wal-mart to pick up some fans. We really had all intentions of staying here last night and enduring it. After just a tiny bit of persuasion and cooking my rolls down at Angie's I decided to lug our crew on down to there house to sleep. I can't express the graditude for bunking us up! I really hated to inconvience them because if you have read her sleepless post you would know what I mean. Luckily, her kids were asleep when we arrived and Taylor and Jared slept in Mackenzi's room as well as Weston. Yes, 4 kids in one room! Pretty crazy. Thank goodness Angie has a couch in her bedroom that Maci slept on and Luke slept out with us on the pull out couch. Sheesh! All I can say is we owe them big time!! They are always saving us in desperate measures and have treated us as family. We have had our fair share of car problems, airport shuttles, etc. Anyways thank you-thank you thank-you Gordon's. I honestly don't know what we would do without them 4 houses down.

I got the mail last night after this lovely experience took place and was happy to get some more good mail. Sweet Tasha sent Taylor and I a package for our birthday. She got me some personalized notecards and Taylor some fancy lip glosses. Very cute and fun. So thank you for being so thoughtful as always. I don't think Tasha has EVER missed my birthday. She is amazing!

We also got the information for Taylor's book club. My friend Chanel thought it would be fun to start a kid book club. What a fabulous idea! So basically, Taylor has to pick a book she has read, put her picture, and a summary of it in the cover and mail it off to her assigned person. How fun is that? It's a penpal/book club all in one. These are times when I miss my creative Chanel living next door. Her ideas are so great!

In the meantime, we learned last night that we aren't going to be able to replace the motor due to the compressor going out. We have to replace the ENTIRE unit and he won't be able to come out until 6pm today. Sooo bummed. I think Angie and I are loading up the kids and having a day out somewhere. Who knows where but not in my house!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One Word: Hot!

This is well lets just call him Andy the A/C unit. Right now he is the best friend anyone could have especially in Texas. We are majorly dealing with drought and I feel like I am living in AZ. Actually I wish that I was, but you get the vision I am giving you it is DANG hot here in San Antonio right now.

This really isn't a complain session, but warning it may appear to be. Just a week ago we fixed our lovely garage door. Happy that it is working and the cars are now happy in their "home" out of the sun. Anyways, they say (don't really know who they are) but bad things seem to come in threes. At least for our family they have. I won't bore you with our list of threes that we have gone through in the past, but you get the picture. I am knocking on wood while writing this, but Doug's car really is on its last leg and we pray that it keeps going for just 21 more months. I am thankful each day he gets home in one piece (you should hear the sound of his car).

Last night I awoke from what I would call a pretty good sleep to a terrible whistling, cranky noise. I knew exactly the cause right when I heard it because our air unit is right next to our bedroom window. Doug was on call last night (although he probably wouldn't have heard it anyway) Men....Okay so I have dog hearing and smell senses. At least according to Doug and can see and smell things miles away.

I will have to admit I panicked a little because I have had air conditioning go out on us before in the middle of the night with our two older kids in New Orleans. Not Fun!! So, I could only invision 2 more kids added to the mix with our heat wave going on... I have had to crank it a little lower than normal lately just to cool it down. This happened to us a couple of summers ago when it was hot like it is now. The humidity and several days HOT heat just aren't a good combination for an air conditioning unit. I immediately (4am) mind you got up and began researching A/C units and the possible things that could be wrong with my noise. I found a couple of things, but nothing I could do myself. I really am all about fixing things ourselves these days if possible with $$$ and all. I got a hold of a guy who has come out before and he said he could come look at it around 5 pm or so today. I described to him the problem and he say with a BIG pause Ohh it sounds like the motor. Great I thought that is the most expensive part. We had to replace our washer a little while back due to the motor. So wish me luck and I am crossing my fingers he can jimmy rig, oil it, kiss it or do what ever to keep it running. I keep telling my self two more years. Maybe I should bless the house each day too. This is when I miss the days of renting. It's there problem not YOURS. Enough said about the air.

Despite the pit that is in my stomach right now, I have actually had a pleasant day. I went to playgroup with my boys at the park. Our ward has one each week and I am so glad I went. I miss those playgroups we had so often in New Orleans. The bonus is, you can also talk to other moms as well. When we were sitting around chit chatting I found out that three families within the last month whose air has gone out in our ward. I think I have jinxed myself!

Hey at least the house is quiet....except for the whistling noise in the back ground! Cross your fingers for me that Javier the A/C man can work his magic.