Friday, June 30, 2006


I am motivated by the strangest things sometimes. I was totally exhausted after a long day entertaining the kids. We went to the water park for about 3 hours came home and then Angie took the older ones bowling for Mackenzi's b-day. I hope that they all had fun because I am seriously tired today. Anyways back to the motivation thing. I was sitting at my desk typing yesterday--I was really grossed out at how dusty the desk was (not just lent but thick dustwith cobwebs--YUCK) I should have taken a picture.....and so I decided that I needed to dust my house. This is by far my most least favorite thing and I really haven't done it in a few weeks. Well, from that one thing lead to another and I found myself indulging into OCD cleaning Jenny or mini Dottie (Doug's definition) Remember I was tired!! After several hours of cleaning (Doug wasn't home so I thought what the heck!) I completed my whole house. It felt so good to finish it all because normally I do it over a couple of days. So to have it all done in one sitting was great. This morning I woke up with all intentions to maybe veg or read but I got this notice and my thought process changed.

This is our biannual trash pick up. It is the greatest thing you can put anything out on your curb and I mean ANYTHING and the city will pick it up for FREE. I thought it was time to go through the kids rooms since about every six months I try and dejunk. Anyways, I am happy to say that I went through my boys rooms, and Taylor's and got rid of a lot of unneccessary items. (the best part was I did it alone and was able to throw all away the junk--if you know what I mean) No interruptions of "mom I need that, please don't throw that away!" or "that was from ____". So I quickly threw it all in a trash bag and sent it away with mr. trash man. The best part was everything is better organized into containers. I also remembered that the young women are in need of fabric because they are learning how to quilt. Perfect--I can get rid of fabric I have had for a few years!!

I think I could open up my own container store full of toys and this isn't even half of my kids stuff! (So sad!!) Needless to say I am pleased with the results. But, do you think my children have enough toys??? My word..... after taking these pictures I am a bit embarrased. It is amazing how good you feel after doing something like this. It really rejuvenated me!

Being so productive and all I didn't stop there! I knew that July was a monsterous month for me with so many birthdays so I went to Wal-mart and stocked up my supply of cards. I also got together a package and am waiting to mail it! Now since it is nearly 4pm I totally stink and desperately need a shower before going up to the orthopedic welcome dinner. Hey, at least I don't have to worry about cooking dinner!

packages ready to be sent!

**What motivates you?**

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


So sad to see you go!!Jenny & Heidi

Its always hard to say goodbye to good friends. It seems as though our ward is diminishing by the day. I am beginning to think I am that person in the ward who is the oldest with all of the kids (really I am not kidding). It always sucks when you are the one left behind and your friends are moving on. Today Heidi & Jeremy left to move to the Dallas area where he will be doing a fellowship in tax law. It seems that once I get to know someone they have to leave. I guess that is just part of life. Heidi has such a great personality. She is spunky, fun and is such a spiritual giant. I really will miss her. Her girls are actually the exact same age as my two youngest boys. So it was fun to see them play together. They had so much fun. I am glad I got the opportunity to watch them before they had to leave. Don't worry Heidi we will be coming to visit....hopefully very soon!

Calla & Weston

Sophie & Luke

Temple Day

Heidi, Angie, Jenny
San Antonio Temple

Do you ever have one of those guilty feelings come over you when you sit down and read the Ensign? Well, that is exactly what happened to me yesterday. I promised myself I would sit down and take the time to read at least one article out of the June Ensign. Of course the first one I opened up to was the First Presidency message which talked about the spirit and how to bring it more into your life. I was so intrigued (by my guilty conscious) I went on to another article, which I found to be very interesting. It was on p. 53: Six Ways on Keeping Your Marriage Strong. I am always interested to see what is said in these articles so I proceeded to read. Not to my surprise the first principle was attend the temple together. Honestly, I think this hit me like a mack truck. Doug and I swore that when we got a temple in San Antonio we would try and go at least once a month. Well, we have sadly gone I think twice since it was built about a year ago. Due to his hectic schedule....blah blah blah. On Sunday in our ward bulletin a temple trip had been planned for Wednesday (today). I didn't really think anything of it until I read this article. It was then it dawned on me that I really should find a way to go. (this was at 8pm last night). Nothing like last minute planning. I frantically called 4 people that I thought may be able to watch my kids and I wasn't able to get a hold of anyone. You also have to call and make a reservation here in order to hold a spot for a session--it was completely full. So, I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to go....until I was able to get a hold of one of my babysitters and the temple told me if I got there early enough there was a chance to get in I just had to wait and see.

I awoke this morning with high hopes I would be able to attend a session, after all I got a babysitter right? On another note, I was supposed to watch my friend Heidi's girls around 12pm so I would have been a little pressed for time, but still could do it. I was glad when I called her this morning because she was able to come as well. She brought her girls over and our babysitter Amy was in charge of six kiddos. So off we went to the temple-Angie, Heidi and I. It was kind of fun to be able to take a girls trip to the temple. Anyways, I am glad to say that I was able to get in (the last seat available) wheww! Unfortunately, Heidi didn't get in, but she was glad to be able to serve in other parts of the temple, so it all worked out. I am so glad I was able to go, I think I was spiritually fed and uplifted today. Hey, and it gave me a boost of patience when I got home--so thats worth it in itself!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"Ohhh Happy Day" (song from the Oprah show)

The countdown until the end of the month has begun in our house. Doug has one more call day until he is done with trauma! This means he won't have to sleep at the hospital every third night well at least for now. Unfortunately, he still has two more months (Nov. & Dec.) but at least he has the first two behind him. Even though I hate when he is gone so much there are a couple of things I will miss him being on this rotation:

1. Laundry (he only wears scrubs--hence no ironing or dress clothes to wash)
2. Doug being home in the middle of the day post call (I can normally run errands if necessary when my boys are asleep)
3. Doug's goofy behavior--he says and does the funniest things when he is sleepy!

Things I won't miss:

1. Having my bed pulled back only on one side when he is gone.
2. Sleep deprived husband.
3. Running the house all by myself (dinner, bathing, bedtime....)
4. The kids complaining when is daddy coming home and why is he always on call??
5. Doug watching the 10pm news to see who is patients are the next day.
6. Doug falling asleep at 9pm on the couch.
7. Missing kids swimmeets. (now they are over)
8. Having to keep the kids quiet in the house during the day so Doug can sleep.
9. Not having a messy bathroom mirror due to Doug brushing his teeth or washing his face. (yes I do miss that--now I can complain about it again.
10. Having the alarm go off at 5am! (6am is a little more duable)

Well you get the picture.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The "L" Word

No, I am not writing about this show. I have actually never seen it and probably never will, but as I was posting I realized that everything I was referring to began with the letter "L". I thought I would post all of my Monday "life savers." These things actually make or have made my day go by much more smoothly then if I didn't have them. The first is of course my daily trip to Sonic for my "liquid" Diet Coke with a little added regular. I am sure they think I am crazy when I punch the button to say that everyday. Luckily, I have about 4 in about a 5 mile radius from my house so I can get one which ever direction I may be traveling.


We have all been talking about music so much lately I guess finally a light bulb went off in my head and forgot that you could check out cd's for FREE at the "library"! Duh? What was I thinking?? I was able to get about 6 cds download them and burn them so I could enjoy them in the car. I can't wait to head back so I can get more!! I also finished my "Sam's Letters to Jennifer" I thought it was such a good book--a tear jerker though. The book which was about a granddaughter and grandmother and how close they were and shared everything together. It reminded me of my relationship I have with my grandmother. Now I get to move on to another novel.....


This is my babysitter "Laura" who has been a total life saver for me this summer. (actually she really is a life guard and saves lifes). Unfortunately, we don't have any family around to help watch the kids when we have a function to go to and Angie does her fair share.....
Anyways, my kids absolutely adore her and I love that I can trust her to run the house when I am gone. I really don't even have to tell her what or where things are anymore. She just does them for me. She will be pretty much taking care of my kids when Angie and I go to Utah since Doug has to work--but well worth it! I will have to say it is money well spent especially for my sanity! Her and her fiance' Brandon actually took my kids along with the Gordon's to the water park a few weeks ago for a couple of hours. The kids not only loved it, but it was a nice break for a change. (you don't get too many of those in the summer months) Thanks Laura for being so willing to watch my kids and doing such a great job too!

Last, but not least this "labor of love" actually saved me this week. I normally mow the lawn on Mondays, however Doug was home Friday & he offered to do it for me. It is just one less task I have to worry about. As you can see he had many helpers (our 3 musketeers) right along with him. Thanks Doug- I love you!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Happy Birthday Luke!!

I was so impressed with his cake as well.
I have found a local (Vicki) here in San Antonio
that will do just about anything you ask
her to draw. She has done many of our
cakes in the past and we have yet to be disappointed.

The Big 3!!!

Even though we celebrated Luke's B-day a couple of days early I don't think he really noticed. As I said before we went and saw Car's the movie yesterday. It is definitely a MUST see. We all loved it! Once we got home we just had the Gordon's over and grilled some food, then had cake and icecream. Many thanks to our family (& Gordon's) for making his day so special, with all of the cards he receieved along with the goodies. He loved all of his stuff, even though he mostly got new clothes (thanks grammy)....thanks for the Car's books and towel G'pa Stan and Susanne- that was another big hit. I think great grandma hughes is finally siding with me that we absolutely don't need anymore toys in our house! Thanks to all of you his day was extra special!!

P.S. A special thanks for all of your sweet comments and concerns, my dads surgery went great- he seems to be in high spirits and is hoping to go home in the next few days.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Luke Ryan

8 weeks old

1 year

2 years

Is he 3 already? I think with each child time goes by faster and faster each time. Monday is Luke's birthday, but we have decided to celebrate it a couple of days early since Doug is on call Monday and we have a swimmeet as well. Luke has chose his birthday theme to be Disney's "Cars" although he hasn't seen it yet, he loves the commercial and loves quoting it. We are actually going to take him to see it this afternoon, in which afterwards we will have a mini barbeque with The Gordon's. So as far as he knows today is his birthday. I thought I would write a few of my favorite things about Luke and what he brings to our family.......

-His big brown eyes.
-Two big dimples (this always seems to get him out of trouble)
-Nick named hurricane
-VERY independent
-Loves to play and work outside (unlike his big brother)
-Insists on helping with anything and, cleaning, you name it!
-Our earliest potty trainer (2 and 3 months!)
-Big brother to Weston, little to Taylor and Jared
-Loves to play cars, legos or anything Jared likes
-Currently watches, High School Musical and Chicken Little over and over again!
-Has a fascination for all accesories, hats, glasses and flip flops!
-I love his brown hair with the small "skunk" patch of blonde. It's so distinct!
-Says the funniest comments i.e. I asked him the other day why his hair was wet? In which he replied, "I did my hair cute like Jared."
-Our biggest eater by far and is willing to try "new" things.
-Loves to tell everyone if they are doing something that they are not supposed to.
-Very loving and looks out for ALL his siblings.
-Definitely the biggest talker of all. He will talk to anyone and everyone! He loves to talk on the phone too.
-Cereal master (I think he would eat this breakfast, lunch and dinner) if I let him.
-Joy, excitement, and love!!

We love you Luke and hope you have a great birthday bud!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Lifes Little Challenges

As I was pondering today I thought about lifes little challenges that we all must face. They are obviously different for everyone. We are all tested and tried, but my belief is that we only are challenged with what we can handle. I am always struggling to juggle spending time with my kids, doing housework, keeping things in order, running to the grocery store, making dinner, oh, and I now have to add in blogging, finish unfinished projects, and looking somewhat presentable when my husband comes home, just to name a few.

One of the many things that I am challenged everyday with is patience. This sometimes puts me at breaking point where I have none, whereas other times I can endure more. As I was walking this morning I happen to have my camera and though these hills look like nothing compared to some of the Utah walks Jill has posted...this is a huge challenge for me each day. (there are about 8 on our route) Pushing my double stroller up this literally takes every ounce of energy out of me! You would think after doing it for a few times my body would get used to it. Not so.

When I also think about challenges, I think about how hard it must be for a little child to learn new things. I love it when little 1 year olds begin to walk. Although it is so easy for us, it must seem so hard for them with all of the stumbling they do. As well as the scratches and bruises they get from learning. Weston is just now starting to speak some words. He said "uh oh" for the first time yesterday and we even got him to say "please" It was the cutest thing and it almost brought tears to my eyes because this is something that I won't ever get to experience again since he is our last. I have really tried to capture things and be more attentative because of this. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time.

I was also thinking about this when my dad called me the other day. He has been having some severe pain in his belly and when he went in to have it checked out the doctors really never found anything. Frustrated, he continued to endure this pain for 3 more months. Well, it wasn't until recently the doctors office called him and suggested that he go back in after finding something abnormal in his chart. So he went in immediately to have a CT scan done of his abdomen. Of course first thoughts were that he had some sort of cyst, lesion, or other type of abnormality. Luckily, they came up with the conclusion that he had what is called an "intussusception" meaning his intestine is folding into itself much like a telescoping effect. This has created a partial obstruction hence the pain he has been having the past few months. Today he is going to go in and get surgery to remove this. Although, I am worried I have faith that the surgeons will take good care of him. This is a huge challenge for our family since we have been so fortunate never to have had health problems. I just wanted to let you know dad we (all of us) will be praying for you and wish you the best!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Crib

Our pantry

Our fridge

I haven't seen this show in a while, but I used to love the show MTV cribs and was intrigued by the stars and what types of homes they have. I also thought it was kind of weird that they would show the inside of their refrigerators. Do we really care what they eat and drink? Well, I guess some do. Okay these picture may be a little weird to most of you, but it is a reminder to myself how ridiculous I am for letting my kids suck me into buying stuff at the store! I think I need to rename my pantry and call it the "Seinfeld" pantry due to all of the cereal boxes that are stored on my shelf. (there are currently 7) and that is not even the most we have had at one time! Another thing that I love to have is a drink selection. Don't ask me why maybe its because growing up my mom never had anything except milk or water. (sorry mom--no offense). You never can buy enough diet DP and Coke zero right? Is anyone an impulse grocery store buyer like me? Any comments welcome.....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Birthday Shout!!


This was a quilt I made her for her b-day afew years back.
She always commented how she wanted this pattern from me so
instead of giving it to her I made it instead!

The Halloween quilt we designed!!
My favorite part was the label we did.

This is my good friend Chanel and today is not only the first day of summer but her birthday. (I won't say how old you are...I have known her for the past 8 years. She truely has been an inspiration to me. I actually met her the first day she moved to New Orleans. I was luck enough to have her move in right next door to me. We clicked instantly not only were our husbands in medical school at Tulane, but she had a 1 year old daughter just like us. (Taylor and Haley are almost 1 year apart to the day) I really don't know what I would have done without her, she was my shoulder to cry on, an ear to hear my complaining about anything and everything, my laughing buddy, she taught me to stand up and be a strong person, a friend to kid swap with, design quilts with (see above), eat at Rodastas, go to Mardi Gras, walk to Langinsteins grocery store for french bread (with all of our kids in a wagon), she got me hooked on highlighting my hair (I won't post that picture--its pretty scary of me!) my friend to be prego with...our 3rd kids (Lucy and Luke are 2 weeks apart!) my photographer, well you get the point. Sadly I no longer have great photos of my kids. She captured some really precious pictures of Taylor and Jared when they were little. (I lucked out because she used them a lot of times to practice). I really miss having her close by, but thankfully Doug's parents have a time share that is near their home and they are only a 45 minute drive to Disneyland. Because of this at least we know we will see them at least once a year. Hopefully more when we move closer back west to Arizona. She is a wonderful mother of three girls and is constantly on the go! She also is a much more fun mom than me. I remember her letting her girls do really "cool" projects and all kinds of arts and crafts. I'm too anal and never let my kids do that...I guess I should lighten up. They even have a homemade slide in their house to put on their stairs! Hope you have a great birthday deserve it. Miss you tons!!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

One Goal Checked

Okay it only took me a month or so to finish this dang book. I had gotten several recommendations to read it so I thought I would give it a try. It kept my interest somewhat, but I felt it was a little confusing in some parts since the main character would jump around to different people so often. Anyways, I finished it last night and was so disappointed in the ending. I kept waiting for something to be resolved and much to my disappointment it wasn't. At least what I got out of it. Has anyone read this book and if so what did you think of it? Maybe it had hidden symbolism in it that I just didn't get. Well at least I can say one of my goals for the month of June is now checked!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Madness

The spectators
grandma & mom

I thought this was such a cool "action"
photo of Taylor taking off the block

It was a close race, but
she mananged to pull through!
(she is the one in purple cap)

Tonight the kids had a swimmeet. I'm glad grandma was here to be able to watch the kids. They were so nice to come out for Taylor's dance recital and it was an extra special treat that they got to see them swim as well. Our kids aren't known to be the best of swimmers, but I am proud to say they have come such a long way since they have started. At the beginning of the season Taylor didn't even know all of her strokes. Tonight she showed us how well she did in breast stroke. I think she has finally found a stroke she likes and does pretty well in. Jared continues to improve we have to get him to just kick his legs!! He tends just to use his arms most of the time. Good job Tay & Jared we love you!!!

Mr. Fix It

You name it he can fix it. Whether your car isn't running, your toliet is leaking, and even repairing fences. My grandpa continues to amaze me and his eagerness to work. I keep thinking he is going to get tired of it one of these days, but he always has to have a project. I think the heat got to him a little today with it being so hot and humid. In Phoenix it is hot but when you add humidity hence more sweating I think you run out of steam much faster. He asked me in passing the other day if I needed him to do anything. Jokingling I said "well my fence needs some boards to be replaced" I really didn't want him doing this, especially how hot it was but he insisted (such a stubborn one he is). So off we went to Home Depot to get some boards and while my grandma and I were at the mall for a few hours he was working like a little bee. Taylor was also a huge help and was in charge of babysitting the little boys and keeping them in line! She is such a big helper and great sister. I really don't know what I would do without such a young responsible daughter. Thank you Papa!! I appreciate all of your sacrifice and hard work you put into the fence today!! I will miss you guys and am sad to say you are already going back to AZ tomorrow.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Grandpa Dale

This is the serious, yet sensitive and funny Dr. Dale Clouse.This is the first time that I have made an entry on Jenny's Blog site, but I figured that I really should be the one that writes something about my Dad. I feel very lucky to have a Dad like mine. He has always supported me in everything that I do. He would arrange his schedule so that he could attend all my baseball, softball, basketball and football games when I was young. I tradition that always meant a lot to me and something that I am trying to do with my own children. I now realize how difficult it may have been at times to be at all my sporting events with all the demands at work/church etc...Thanks Dad for always being there for me. He has continued to support me in this long journey of pursuing my career. He has only offered words of support and has allowed me to make my own decisions. I greatly admire my Dad and am proud to be able to call him my Dad. Thank you for all you do for me. I love you and our whole family will be praying for you.  Posted by Picasa

50th Surprise

This is my 50 year old (young dad) he recently retired from the City of Mesa in which he started his own position as a gas marketing representative. After 27 years at the city he has decided that was enough and he wanted to move on to better things. He recently finished up and passed real estate school and is currently working for Keller Williams as a realator for small businesses I wish him luck and success in his new field! My dad has always been the one to make us laugh in our family. He is known to poke fun at us and does a number of impressions. My kids absolutely love and adore this man as do I. The minute that they get wind of g'pa Stan being on the phone they immediately start running saying "I want to talk to him!" Dad, hope you have a great fathers day dad! Wish we were there to see you. xoxo --Doug, Jenny & kids

Father's Day

Doug my husband, eternal companion, and best friend.............

This is the best father, dad, husband, and spouse anyone could ever have asked for. You choose your spouse not knowing what type of parent he/she will be. Doug is the greatest dad anyone could of ever hoped for. Despite his busy schedule and grueling hours at the hospital, he always finds the time to play legos, shoot hoops, play catch in the back yard or read stories to the kids. And of course makes sure he tells me and the kids how much he loves us each day. There isn't a day where he forgets. I admire what a great man he is and am so proud to call him mine. I love you honey!!! Happy Father's Day.

Papa the best grandpa ever..............

This is my Papa. I am proud to be his first ever granddaughter. I remember when my sister was born I was sad I had to share (sorry Janet) Anyways, he is the most wonderful man I have ever known. He does nothing but thoughtful things for not only us but others as well. He continues to work at his shop fixing up old tractors and other machinery. I am amazed that he is still doing this and is nearly 83 years old. I love you pop and am glad I could make you your Father's Day dinner and are here to share this special day with us in San Antonio!

Saturday, June 17, 2006



Well, if you haven't noticed I have been in overdrive mode today. Yesterday was a full day. We had swim practice in the morning. Then immediately following (well time for a shower is about all) we went downtown for Taylor's dress rehearsal. Following that Doug had his annual orthopedic graduation for all of the chiefs. Today we would of had swim practice, but luckily it was pouring down rain. (thanks we needed the moisture) I was able to at least catch up on laundry and get things a little more organized before my grandparents arrived. Around 11am I picked up my sitter for my little boys and I was off to pick up my grandparents from the airport. They were right ontime so it couldn't of worked out more perfect. We then drove straight to the dance recital location in order to get good seats (2hours in advance mind you) a little ridiculous but well worth it. Jared couldn't have been happier since his best friend Josh's sister was in it as well. So he was there in good company. I am glad Doug was able to get away from the hospital for a few hours to watch Taylor. I know it meant a lot to her for her dad to be present. Once it ended we left and realized once we got home we were all pretty hungry. We made a quick executive decision to go eat and ended up at Champs Sports Grill (yummy) its great there because there are huge t.v.'s and a loud environment hence kid friendly. Whew! I am tuckered out and think I will call it a day. Now I have to prepare some last minute things for Father's Day. Hope you all had a successful good Saturday!

Papa, G'ma, me and the kiddos sitting patiently awaiting our food at Champs.

Oh, my Taylor lost her tooth at dinner!
She immediately told me that I must take it so I could blog about it!
So what is a mother to do.....well of course take a photo.

Her new smile

Luke demanded his picture be taken after Taylor.
What a ham! (I couldn't resist posting this)

Dancing Diva

Taylor & her teacher Ms. Bailey
Ballet Costume for: "I feel Pretty"...kind of a play on words

Tap Routine to "Splish Splash"

Today was a busy day Friday with dress rehearsal most of the day and today we finally had her dance recital at 2pm. It was so fun to watch and see how far Taylor has come in a year. She definitely doesn't have a problem on stage. She is our little dancing diva!

La Cantera Resort

Stephenie, Jenny, Angie, & Sally
(some of the ortho wives)

Front row: (chief's graduating) Matt, Russell, Hank, Brandon and Greg
Middle row :JP, Stephanie, Doug, Cody, Anup, Will, and Eric
Back row: Jerry and Dr. Corely (ortho hand surgeon specialist)
*note not all residents are pictured*

Graduation was held last night at La Cantera Resort. It was nice for a change to have it at a new location. Each year, the Christmas party and graduation are held at Oak Hills Country Club but due to overbooking they had to have it here. I will have to say it was MUCH better!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How To Prevent A Wardrobe Malfunction.....

This may seem more like an advertisement, but I was sooo excited when my new Shade shirts came in the mail today. Not only because I got some new ones, but I mailed my old ones back due to the elastic coming out of them. I guess I must of ruined them when I was nursing and actually had something up top to fill them. (not so anymore..more going from C-D down to like A-sad!) Anyways, I was amazed that they would actually take old ones (I mean 6 months old) back even with deorderant stains--yuck. I didn't even realize they would allow me to do this until my friend Allison called me to tell me. The best part of it was they even upgraded them to a baby tee which is usually a little more money, plus I like the style better. I know that there are other competitors out in Utah, but I will have to say I back Shade and there willingness to guarantee their "defective" product. I am not sure if you Utahan's have ever gotten these.... but I love them! Sadly I depend on them due to my love for tank tops and so I don't have any wardrobe malfunctions!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No Reason

I just was cleaning off my bookshelf that was sickly full of dust and remembered how much I love this picture. (Amy recognize the frame??) This picture was taken back in May 2002 the year us, the Wises, and Adams left to move on to residency. It is a bitter sweet photo. We all met for a "last" dessert at the coffee cottage (now is just a graded lot) which is no longer there, like many other favorite spots due to Hurricane Katrina. (soo sad) I don't think I will ever know this many woman going through the same thing we did, like medical school again. It was truely an amazing experience going to New Orleans and meeting all of these girls. I am happy to say that some have a blogs so we can keep in touch that way and many others through Christmas cards, phone calls and such. I miss our Tulane/LSU medical school "wives club" if that is what you want to call it. Heck the guys had what they called a "Kung Fu" club to watch all of their marshall art movies together! We had great quilt groups, play groups, dinner outings with our spouses and best of all the medical student guys camping out over nightspots for Mardi Gras on the neutral ground--- all to get silly beads for our kids or was it ourselves. Ahhhh those were the days!