Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Spoiled or Overboard?

We all talk about simplifying our lives in different ways. I often ask myself I too need to Simplify but never know where to begin. The school year is coming to an end and my kids almost everyday request pancakes for breakfast, french toast, eggs, or waffles. Since I am not at all a breakfast person I really don't care for any of these items, however out of guilt and wanting to make sure that they get a good "start" for the day I find myself doing it anyways. I have gotten it down to such a science that other "easier" items tend to take more time. Go figure! Doug thinks it is a great thing that I make them breakfast everyday. Afterall his mom did it! I grew up eating cold cereal and toast isn't this how it is supposed to be? Sadly, my children won't touch that and only eat cereal as an afterschool snack. This I know they inheirited from their dad and not my side of the family. I think I have also ruined my children because since their grandma makes homemade strawberry jam I too have joined the club and now they will only eat "homemade" strawberry jam on their sandwiches. So I ask my self are they spoiled or have I gone overboard?

**Do you go overboard for your kids? If so what are some of the things that you do?**

New PJs

I have been meaning to post this for a couple of days now and just haven't got around to it. My mom recently sent my boys each two pairs of pajamas. For some reason that is one of their favorite things to get and they must wear it the day they get them. They are pretty cute and my mom just has a nitch in picking out cute stuff. ( I know that she would much rather buy girl stuff, but I am sorry to say I have three boys instead) Sorry mom! Doug has always said that grammy (my mom) buys the clothes and grandma dorothy (his mom) buys the toys. Anyways, thanks mom for the nice package. Now I don't have to listen to Doug complain that the boys don't have any PJs to wear!
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

SLC and Happy Valley here we come!!

It's official Angie and I bought our plane tickets today and we are off for a fun girly weekend in July without kids! I am so excited to go and visit my friends Steph and Allison. I haven't been back to Utah for 6 years. Wow, that was a while ago. The funny thing is when my friend asked us what we wanted to do, I simply replied I must eat at Brick Oven and Angie's only request was to eat Training Table fries. All of this and we are excited for food! I guess we are a little strange.

I can't actually believe I am doing this. I always am talking about going somewhere with friends and never ever actually do it. This will be the first time I am taking a trip without any of my kids. I wasn't about to pass it up after Doug gave me the "go ahead" and make the purchase I will be more than happy to watch the kids for the weekend. What a guy! Does he really have any idea what he is in for? Don't get me wrong I have all the faith in the world in him and know he will do a superb job. I know that the kids won't really miss me all too much anyway. How do I know this? Well, a few months ago I went on a long weekend trip home for my dads 50th b-day and the only one the kids wanted to see and truely missed was Weston. Go figure. Anyways, thanks Doug for being a great husband and letting me go on this trip for my birthday. You are the best, I love you!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Blue Dog Blues

The first time that I had even heard of a blue dog was at Natalie S. house way back when when we lived in New Orleans. I noticed that she had a painting in her home (hers was a blue dog with the white house in the back ground since she loved politics and worked on some campaigns) I thought it was pretty cool and have wanted one ever since. Okay we all act like children sometime or another in our lives right? Well I know that I do. Can't I have this and it can act as my birthday, christmas, mothers day, you get the picture??? For those of you who are not familar with this George Rodrigue is a local New Orleans artist and has become quite famous all over the country with his blue dog trademark. This particular painting he has released "We Will Rise Again" is now selling for charity purposes. So all proceeds are going to Katrina relief. I would love, love, love to have this but unfortunately he is a little pricey but maybe someday.....wishful thinking on my part. The funny thing is when we went into the gallery the other day, the guy inside actually said that this was the most reasonable print out there since he was selling them for charity.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hotel Heaven

I will save the best post for last. I promise this is the last of the New Orleans pictures you will see. (even though I took a ton more I didn't want to bore you all) This is something I will never forget. I got this sign right off the wall at Allison's house. I will have to say that is exactly what they did for us this weekend. Her and her husband were kind and generous enough to open there house up to us to stay for the weekend. Doug quotes, "it was the best hotel I ever stayed at" that is the truth. They have a beautiful home and we are grateful and appreciate that they let not just me and Doug but are four rug rats as well. Kuddos and thank you so much guys. You are the best!
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Crawfish, Crab & Shrimp and Good Ol' Creole Seasoning

It's all about the presentation right? A classic NOLA crawfish boil!
If you can't read this sign they wanted to post it for Lucas since this is one of his favorite meals. They had to leave earlier that morning to attend their 3rd reception in Ohio. So I guess the boys wanted to rub it in by saying "hope the reception was fun" And no that is not beer but "root beer" bottles they are holding up.
There was so much left over cake from the reception along with other food. It was all so good and now I will be forever running this week to take off the extra baggage!
This picture blows me away. Justin (pictured in the dark blue shirt) was 5 yrs old when they moved his sister Kennedy was a tiny baby (now 4) and Carter (royal blue shirt) he was 3. You can definately tell these are Shanklin kids they are all so tall and thin (especially compared to mine who need to grow a foot or two) They had so much fun playing with one was sad to say goodbye.
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A Trip Down Memory Lane.....

This is actually where they held Doug's medical school graduation at McAllister Auditorium at the Tulane Undergrad campus. It was one of the funest (is that a word) graduations I have ever attended. It's not too often you have a live jazz band march through with green Tulane umbrellas.
Tulane Medical School (can you tell Doug was thrilled to pose for this picture for me?) Ah well he will thank me someday.
I think Tasha actually had this sign posted on one of her blogs, it reads staff, students, residents prohibited. Its not too often you see that on an entrance to a school... pretty funny
I had to take a picture of this since this is the hospital where Jared was born. Of course he doesn't remember anything about New Orleans even though he is a New Orleanean.
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"Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs...."

We spent the most part of our day in the French Quarter on Saturday as you can see. Since the hurricane many stores, restuarants, and businesses are slowly just NOW getting back on their feet again. Pictured are some of our favorite signs. The above picture is a great steak house and as you can see has not yet opened yet (it has been 9 months)
I loved this banner and it was for sure a must kodak moment. Cafe Du Monde was a local hangout for us and we even held playgroups at it. (well the mall location one) our kids grew to love these fattening things which are more or less a puffed up donut dipped in grease topped with a gallon of powdered sugar! Hey and they go great with a large coke! Sounds healthy huh?
These blue flags are posted all over the city and I think they are so great. I actually bought a different version of one (I hadn't seen before) I didn't take a picture of it, but will when I put it up on my house. I also I the sign "Road trip to Big Easy or Bust"
Rebuild poster signs are all over the city as well. They even have t-shirts and yes I was a sucker and bought one. Ya gotta support the city right?
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Saturday, May 27, 2006


Pictured here are the young women that I used to teach when we lived in New Orleans. I can't believe how much they have grown up. They now are all in college. Megan is even going on a mission in a few weeks to Belgium--crazy stuff. Helen pictured in the back was so much more mature than I remember her. She is an amazing girl and is currently living with her parents (whom are both blind) she is so thoughtful, kind, and does a great job taking "good" care of them and always looking out for them. (not the Helen I personally remember) but we all have to "grow up" sometime right? It was good to see all of their beautiful cheery faces!
This is Doug pictured with the groom and Ortiz boys. They were always the "lookers" in the ward and as you can see still are.
I felt like we went back in time when I took this picture. Pictured to the far left is our former bishop and next to him Shawn S. who served with Doug in the young mens. Next to them are some of the Garcia boys. They literally watched these boys grow up as well. I can't believe how fast time has flown, it makes me feel a little old! It was so good to see and talk to everyone. I think the last time that we saw everyone together was when Lucas went through the temple to take out his endowments. (about 4 yrs ago) It was a session I will never forget. It was such an awesome spiritual experience. Well, I am off to doing some more tourist stuff. I couldn't think of a better place to spend money than in New Orleans. Support the city, rebirth, REBUILD!
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Our reason to visit NOLA.....

This is the Luling, LA branch building where the reception was held. It is probably one of the smallest buildings I have ever seen. We couldn't of asked for better food, homemade jambayala, homemade king cake, sandwiches, cookies, etc. Needless to say we ate our hearts out!
Dennis & Missy (mom & pop gruwell)

Lucas and Megan the newlyweds!
Aren't they cute?
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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Crescent City

Since I am already up I might as well post right? Today we are heading out to 100% humidity, blue roof tops, great food, live music, green grass, mosquitoes, and best of all good friends! Need I say more? I am excited and packed and must say pretty proud that I finished all of my dreadful tasks yesterday. Hope you all have a great weekend! Until next time.....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Teacher gifts

Since we have all been discussing teachers gifts and what to buy them. I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and post mine. I actually stole this idea from Angie (so she gets the creative credit for it) Flip flops are a big thing here and so I just went out and bought a cheap pair from wal-mart and a roll of ribbon to tie. It literally took me 15 minutes and turned out pretty good!

**what are you giving as gifts?**

Movin' on up!

This is my baby who isn't so much a baby anymore. (14 months and counting) I have noticed that with each one of my children stages and things they do tend to just fly by! Since I know Weston is my last I thought I would try and savor each step with the things that he does. Everyday when he wakes up from his nap he has a bowl of cereal. (hence the bed head) Today was the first time that he actually tried to use a spoon! I couldn't resist and had to take a picture. He is the most passive happy baby! What a cutie pie!


As I layed in bed this morning a huge feeling of overwhelment came over me. I have SO much to do today and the day hasn't even begun. We are going to New Orleans to visit our favorite Gruwell Family. This means a list of things to do! Usually I am much more prepared for such a task but not this time.

First and foremost go for my morning walk then:

1. clean bathrooms (this is a must in my book who likes a dirty tub/toliet when they return from a trip)

2. Mop floors/vaccum

3. Pack for 6 people (no not just me and the kids Doug as well)

4. Water yard -it is getting so dry and hot here!

5. Make sure we have all of the necessary snacks for the car to keep kids happy :)

6. Balance checkbook (you gotta have $$$ for NOLA!)

7. Set up DVD system in car (a MUST) since I will be pretty much driving alone. My husband will be post call tomorrow which means traveling with 4 kids by myself (AAHH) Sound fun (my trip is about 8 1/2 hours.

8. Taxi kids to dance/swim practice from 4-6pm

9. Feed my dinner/bathe kids (a huge mess and project in itself)

10. Gas up car/check tire pressure

11. Maybe sometime squeeze in a pedicure for myself (wait no! my babysitter had another engagement today--big bummer!!)

12. Watch the season finale of LOST!

13. Relax--what's that??

***how do you prepare for a trip?***

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's Here!

Need I say more?? If you don't have a copy you must get one today. They are on sale at Wal-mart for $14. Or if you want the cd and the movie you can get it at Sam's for $20.

Good Mail Monday

Yesterday I received a couple of "good mail" items. I was so excited when I got this package from my good friend Allison. I met her the first year that we lived in New Orleans. They actually contacted us and we went to dinner when her husband found out they got into Tulane. (gosh, that was 8 years ago) We didn't become close until our third year of medical school since they were in a different ward than us. I can honestly say for those of you who don't know her she is a great mom of three children, a supportive wife to a urology resident (who has now evacuated to Utah due to evil hurricane "Katrina") and most of all is a very thoughtful, kind, sweet and compassionate friend. She is also a secret blogger that doesn't leave comments and has yet to start one even though I told her she would be great at it! The journal she sent me was an idea from Jill's blog (per Ali) She wanted to make sure she wasn't stealing any ideas out there. It is a gratitude journal. I love what she put in the inside of the cover. I have also already started writing in it! It reads:

Gratitue unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into
a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for
today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abudnance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given unto you."

Thanks Allison I love it!! I musn't leave out that I also received a thoughtful card from my mom today. It was a belated mother's day card. Thanks mom! (we all get busy, I was just giving you a hard time)

Monday, May 22, 2006


I have noticed that lately many of the posts I have read are "why" or "does this only happen to me" I realize these things occur on a daily basis. I was thinking about so many "things" as I was picking up my house. I thought I would jot them down. Pictured is my vacuum cleaner in which you would think I have owned for ever.....sadly, it is about 2 years old and obviously so cheap that we have duct taped it together! So everytime I have to change the bag, yes I have to unduct tape it and redo it. "Why do you do this you may ask?" Only because the dyson vacuum I want is like a million dollars! So Doug and I vowed that we would never buy another cheap thing if we had to, because it ALWAYS breaks! Note: which means we don't go buy things for the house too often. I think for me typing them out is therapeutic. So here it goes:

1. Why do 3 out of my 4 kids go to bed crying all at one time. Can't they all just be happy?

2. Why is it when you just finish mopping your floor on your hands and knees someone decides to spill a beverage or get crumbs all over it! (All I am asking is a few hours for it to stay clean)

3. Is my 14 month old going to ever stop teething? I can't bear the ear pierce crying as I am trying to change his diaper due to a terrible rash! Doesn't he know I am trying to help him by putting on the Boudreaux's butt paste?

4. Can't our husbands come home when they say they will be (not 2 hours after the time they told you) When I ask him what took so long... the response I get is "xyz needed my help and I had to start a surgery or round on some more patients" This is a classic response and for those of you who have medical spouses you know what I mean. Can't they be selfish for once and say I need to go home and SLEEP since I have been up for the past 24 hours?

5. Does it have to cost an arm and a leg to have a nice picture of your family in the house? I just ordered a 16x20 and my jaw fell open when I found out the price!

6. Is is so wrong of me to just want to have an hour to myself without interuptions? Or how about a couple of "free" days off with no strings attached?

7. Does your child who NEVER wets the bed have to do it the day that you put clean sheets on it?

8. Why does something that you know you have done before have to be more complicated the second time? i.e. posting my picture back on (I know how to do it and it won't let me rrrrr!)

9. Does your children's activites that you put them in have to drag out for what it seems like is eternal. My daughters dance recital isn't until the end of June. Shouldn't it be more like May? I am ready for a taxi break.

10. Why is is cheaper to fly to Mexico or Europe from San Antonio than to Salt Lake City?

11. Why is it that each child you have trys to for go a nap at an earlier age? (Taylor took one until she was 5, Jared was 3.5) Luke is only 2.5 and needs the most sleep (he is my worst sleeper EVER!)

12. Why does the season finale of Alias, and 24 have to be on the same day along with game 7 of both the Phx Suns and Spurs? And no we don't have TIVO!

13. Last but not least shouldn't you be able to stop "aunt flo" from coming if you have decided you were not having any more kids? (my cramps are starting)

14. Whheeew! Okay I think I am done with that. Feel free to let me know if you have some "whys" in your life.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Coming Out of "HYBERNATION"

It's been a few days since I have posted. I have been in so called hybernation. You know when you feel like crap and want to do nothing but lay on the sofa. I actually was able to tackle my book The Da Vinci Code
and finish it before Doug and I went and saw the movie last night. Well, like all movies it wasn't nearly as good as the book and I was sad to say that they totally changed the ending!
I had one of those blah blah weekends as well. The kids had swimteam early on Saturday morning so I had to motivate myself to get up. We decided to be nice and take the kids to Six Flags since the waterpark is now open. As most of you know traveling to any park is a chore and takes much preparation. I had Doug pack the lunches and all of the snacks while I got the kids ready. We arrived and I think we counted at least 100 school buses. So you can imagine how crowded it was. We stayed for a few hours (until Weston allowed us to). We came home literally vegged. Our babysitter arrived at 5:30pm. We got a new girl who is in our ward and she was great with the kids. The funny thing is Luke who is often so demanding and must have his way was pleading for us not to leave. It was almost comical. Everytime I went in my room to go get ready. He says "please don't go bye bye PLEASE" I am happy to say thanks to a great big sister he was fine when we walked out the door. That little Taylor or our "mini mom" is the best! If she was only a few years older we might be able to save some money.....thats another story. So off we went to dinner and a movie. Our evening ended nice...but I am so exhausted. My body feels like it has been run over I guess that is what happens when you get a taste of the flu. Hope all of you had a more exciting weekend. Until next time........

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling A Little Under the Weather...

Not feeling at the top of my game today. So I think I will crawl up on the couch and try to tackle the book I keep falling asleep on at night! Hopefully, the nasty head cold I have will pass...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy B-day Angie!!

I know that this picture is so old (since Steph is pictured w/us) Sadly I couldn't find a recent one. Just wanted to say Happy B-day Ang! Oh, the things I could write but not enough room. Thanks so much for your genuine friendship, support, care, thoughtfulness and most of all being you! I love your sweet Texas accent ( I wish I had one) You are truly the best. Hope you have a fabulous day you deserve the very best! Posted by Picasa

Gooo..... Stingrays!!!

Just when I thought I was done running my kids around town....swim team started! The kids are so excited and love it. Its great because they are in the pool everyday so I don't have to hear them complain how "hot" they are when they get home from school. On another note, I am also excited that I am heading to the post office after I drop Taylor off at dance. I am sending out some "good mail" I had so much fun compiling it all. I am sending out "4" fun packages and can't wait for the recipients to get them.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Eaten Alive

Yesterday while out doing yard work I was attacked by mosquitoes! This is a rare occasion and doesn't usually happen, but for some weird reason their were tons of them! I felt like I was back living deep in the south or camping. So, I guess I will just bare with the itching for a while and keep cortizone cream whereever I go. The sad part is that my little guy got it bad too. I didn't realize it until we went inside of the house. On another note, I did do one good thing today, I am in the middle of compiling some good mail to be sent. I am excited to finish it up and send it out. Be on the look out for those who blog!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back To The Grind

Well, Monday is back to the daily rountine of things and this is usually how our morning starts after I get the older ones off to school. We walk down to the Gordon's and take our daily 3 mile walk. The boys have to have their juice and bags of cereal and on "chillier days" a blanket in tow. It really wasn't that cold but I guess 60 degrees with a little wind is colder than the normal 75.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006

8th Mother's Day

There are so many reasons I love being a mother............

1). First and foremost, I enjoy staying home with my kids (believe it or not). I am so thankful that my husband has given me the opportunity to do this. We do struggle financially at times and he has always pushed the importance of staying home with them. There is never a dull moment in my life and I wouldn't change it for anything. Even though I do complain I love my kids in their each individual way. I think that this picture says it all and sums up our family. Weston 14 months old, just kinda hangs out and goes with the flow. Taylor my 8 yr old is always (well most of the time what she is supposed to) Jared my 6 yr old is pretty laid back as well. Then their is our Luke. He is 2 almost 3 if that explains anything. He makes our world go round and obviously he wasn't going to have anything to do with a Mother's Day picture. Well, I had to capture it somehow.

2). Second, who can pass up having a day set aside to themselves besides their birthday. I love the cards, flowers and gifts that my family showers me with. (Thanks to angie who gave me my great new grey's anatomy cd, candy and magazines) The best part is getting your favorite meal made by your husband! He is grilling my favorite rib dinner. (for those of you who hate red meat sorry for the pic) I couldn't resist...maybe because I am a little hungry. Doug & the kids are all so thoughtful!

3). I could go on and on. The rewards of being a mother are endless. We all have our ups and downs, but in the end I feel honored to be one and would never change a thing.