Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs...."

We spent the most part of our day in the French Quarter on Saturday as you can see. Since the hurricane many stores, restuarants, and businesses are slowly just NOW getting back on their feet again. Pictured are some of our favorite signs. The above picture is a great steak house and as you can see has not yet opened yet (it has been 9 months)
I loved this banner and it was for sure a must kodak moment. Cafe Du Monde was a local hangout for us and we even held playgroups at it. (well the mall location one) our kids grew to love these fattening things which are more or less a puffed up donut dipped in grease topped with a gallon of powdered sugar! Hey and they go great with a large coke! Sounds healthy huh?
These blue flags are posted all over the city and I think they are so great. I actually bought a different version of one (I hadn't seen before) I didn't take a picture of it, but will when I put it up on my house. I also I the sign "Road trip to Big Easy or Bust"
Rebuild poster signs are all over the city as well. They even have t-shirts and yes I was a sucker and bought one. Ya gotta support the city right?
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