Sunday, May 21, 2006

Coming Out of "HYBERNATION"

It's been a few days since I have posted. I have been in so called hybernation. You know when you feel like crap and want to do nothing but lay on the sofa. I actually was able to tackle my book The Da Vinci Code
and finish it before Doug and I went and saw the movie last night. Well, like all movies it wasn't nearly as good as the book and I was sad to say that they totally changed the ending!
I had one of those blah blah weekends as well. The kids had swimteam early on Saturday morning so I had to motivate myself to get up. We decided to be nice and take the kids to Six Flags since the waterpark is now open. As most of you know traveling to any park is a chore and takes much preparation. I had Doug pack the lunches and all of the snacks while I got the kids ready. We arrived and I think we counted at least 100 school buses. So you can imagine how crowded it was. We stayed for a few hours (until Weston allowed us to). We came home literally vegged. Our babysitter arrived at 5:30pm. We got a new girl who is in our ward and she was great with the kids. The funny thing is Luke who is often so demanding and must have his way was pleading for us not to leave. It was almost comical. Everytime I went in my room to go get ready. He says "please don't go bye bye PLEASE" I am happy to say thanks to a great big sister he was fine when we walked out the door. That little Taylor or our "mini mom" is the best! If she was only a few years older we might be able to save some money.....thats another story. So off we went to dinner and a movie. Our evening ended nice...but I am so exhausted. My body feels like it has been run over I guess that is what happens when you get a taste of the flu. Hope all of you had a more exciting weekend. Until next time........