No, I am not writing about this show. I have actually never seen it and probably never will, but as I was posting I realized that everything I was referring to began with the letter "L". I thought I would post all of my Monday
"life savers." These things actually make or have made my day go by much more smoothly then if I didn't have them. The first is of course my daily trip to Sonic for my
"liquid" Diet Coke with a little added regular. I am sure they think I am crazy when I punch the button to say that everyday. Luckily, I have about 4 in about a 5 mile radius from my house so I can get one which ever direction I may be traveling.

We have all been talking about music so much lately I guess finally a light bulb went off in my head and forgot that you could check out cd's for FREE at the
"library"! Duh? What was I thinking?? I was able to get about 6 cds download them and burn them so I could enjoy them in the car. I can't wait to head back so I can get more!! I also finished my "Sam's
Letters to Jennifer" I thought it was such a good book--a tear jerker though. The book which was about a granddaughter and grandmother and how close they were and shared everything together. It reminded me of my relationship I have with my grandmother. Now I get to move on to another novel.....

This is my babysitter
"Laura" who has been a total life saver for me this summer. (actually she really is a life guard and saves lifes). Unfortunately, we don't have any family around to help watch the kids when we have a function to go to and Angie does her fair share.....
Anyways, my kids absolutely adore her and I love that I can trust her to run the house when I am gone. I really don't even have to tell her what or where things are anymore. She just does them for me. She will be pretty much taking care of my kids when Angie and I go to Utah since Doug has to work--but well worth it! I will have to say it is money well spent especially for my sanity! Her and her fiance' Brandon actually took my kids along with the Gordon's to the water park a few weeks ago for a couple of hours. The kids not only loved it, but it was a nice break for a change. (you don't get too many of those in the summer months) Thanks Laura for being so willing to watch my kids and doing such a great job too!

Last, but not least this "labor of love" actually saved me this week. I normally mow the lawn on Mondays, however Doug was home Friday & he offered to do it for me. It is just one less task I have to worry about. As you can see he had many helpers (our 3 musketeers) right along with him. Thanks Doug- I love you!!