Its always hard to say goodbye to good friends. It seems as though our ward is diminishing by the day. I am beginning to think I am that person in the ward who is the oldest with all of the kids (really I am not kidding). It always sucks when you are the one left behind and your friends are moving on. Today Heidi & Jeremy left to move to the Dallas area where he will be doing a fellowship in tax law. It seems that once I get to know someone they have to leave. I guess that is just part of life. Heidi has such a great personality. She is spunky, fun and is such a spiritual giant. I really will miss her. Her girls are actually the exact same age as my two youngest boys. So it was fun to see them play together. They had so much fun. I am glad I got the opportunity to watch them before they had to leave. Don't worry Heidi we will be coming to visit....hopefully very soon!

Calla & Weston