Friday, September 01, 2006

Round two

As if you need to know more…………..

1. I am the oldest child of three.

2. I would throw away my PC and get a Mac if I had the money.

3. I hang dry almost all my clothes and then dewrinkle them in the dryer. (in order to spend less time ironing)

4. I am easily sidetracked when reading. I find any excuse to get up.

5. The only time I sit during the day is at the computer or watching my t.v. show(s).

6. I have never applied and gotten a job. All of mine were through someone I knew or a connection.

7. My parents both have holidays for birthdays (Valentines and 4th of July)

8. My first car was an 83’ White mustang with ruby red interior.

9. I have had several batteries die due to leaving my lights on in the car.

10. I love fleur de lis and find myself frequently picking up items with them on it.

11. I take all of my jewelry off even my ring before going to bed.

12. I wash my face with hand soap or a dove bar in the shower.

13. My favorite card game is Skip Bo.

14. I often switch up my favorite candies (it drives my husband crazy) depending on my mood.

15. I love looking at stationary online and in stores, but rarely buy any.

16. I love my feet and am happy I inherited my mom’s.

17. I can type about 75 wpm, at least the last I tested. I love typing or 10-keying.

18. Much of my spare time is folding laundry or on the computer.

19. I am left-handed.

20. The way I could tell the difference between left and right as a kid was because I have a bump on my left middle finger from writing.

21. As a non-member I sent out a missionary and he came home after two weeks. I broke up with him and called him a quitter.

22. I don’t enjoy watching or playing baseball, I dated ALL baseball players in high school.

23. When I was in high school I would eat 2 double cheeseburgers at McDonalds because they were so cheap (Eeww!)

24. I haven’t been to McDonalds in over a year, thanks to Supersize the movie.

25. I am a Madonna junkie. My first cd was The Immaculate Collection. I still have it.

26. I would love to go to a Pearl Jam or Lenny Kravtz concert with Doug.

27. I love shopping, but rarely shop for myself.

28. I never shopped for my clothes until I was married. My mom always just brought them home. I always liked what she got.

29. I still use the same plastic cup I got from Dynamite Express drill team with my name on it. I got it in 8th grade.

30. My favorite cereal used to be Bran Flakes, now it’s Special K.

31. I prefer milk over water any day.

32. People say I have picked up an accent living in TX. I don’t think I do.

33. I wear a shade shirt everyday. Maybe I should be a spokesperson or sales rep?

34. My camera is kept in my purse at all times.

35. I got my first “real” coach leather purse for my birthday last year thanks to my hubby.

36. I have a fetish if my kids have a dirty nose and constantly picking them.

37. I can only chew one type of gum other type’s make me nauseated. Orbits sweet mint I can tolerate.

38. I used to love horror movies until I saw The Ring--it freaked me out and I haven’t seen one since.

39. I have gotten VIP tickets to the American Music Awards 3 times thanks to my uncle (an ABC photographer). I got to meet several famous musicians and autographs.

40. I would live in California if it wasn’t so expensive, I am settling for AZ instead.

41. My dream car is a Yukon XL Denali.

42. I am a minivan snob. I said I would NEVER drive one until I met my Honday Odyssey. I love it!

43. I only have 3 pairs of jeans I wear.

44. My husband has more clothes than me and shoes for that matter.

45. I drank regular soda until one year ago. I can’t imagine going back.

46. If and when we get a dog we are naming him “Bones”

47. I throw away pretty much everything, but still have my pom poms from high school.

48. I wear flip flops 10 months out of the year.

49. I love xm radio and haven’t listened regular since I got one.

50. I don’t ever turn on the t.v. during the day, I prefer music or silence.

51. I rarely turn on lights in our house unless necessary. It drives my husband crazy. He likes a lot of lights on. I prefer saving energy.

52. I used to be afraid of the dark, but since I am home alone a lot at night I have over come that fear.

53. I change my bed sheets every Monday.

54. I HATE making my boys bunk beds.

55. After blow drying my hair I wipe up the floor with a piece of toilet paper.

56. I smell my hair out of nervous habit.

57. I hate leaving dishes in the sink, it is a rare occurrence.

58. I had a group of friends sit me down in 10th grade and gain up and pick apart the things they didn't like about me. I have never been in a big group of "girlfriends" since. The hardest part was they were my carpool!

59. I rarely return anything from the store unless necessary.

60. I ALWAYS spend too much money at Target and Sam’s Club.

61. I delete photos off my camera when I print them out.

62. I made friends with guys more easily in highschool (see #58).

63. In 8th grade I was caught by my mom wearing a piece of her clothing…I think a jacket. She was so mad hid all my clothes and made me wear an outfit I hated EVERY day for a week. (isn’t that mean?)

64. I enjoy watching teen movies. Mean Girls and She’s the Man are some of my favorites.

65. All of my sibling’s names begin with J.

66. My brother is blind and almost deaf.

67. Having a candle in the bathroom is a MUST.

68. I hate when you go into a bathroom anywhere and there is no soap. Yuck!

69. I have ALWAYS taken a lot of pictures no matter where I go.

70. I have a handful of close friends that I talk to weekly.

71. My favorite past time as a kid was riding my bike to 7-11 and buying banana squares (they used to be like this before ropes).

72. I still use the blanket my friend made me in 7th grade. It’s my favorite.

73. My name would have been Jaime if I was a boy.

74. I never got varicose veins until baby #4.

75. I have grandma legs, but fear the pain would be too great to remove them. (my vericose veins)

76. Doug is my best friend.

77. I frequently vacuum my house. I wish I owned a Dyson.

78. I love to read entertainment magazines. People is my favorite.

79. I played the clarinet for 4 years and was ALWAYS last chair.

80. I want to learn how to decorate cakes.

81. I would love to take a photography class.

82. I have made several quilts, but have given many away.

83. I want to own a ski boat.

84. An annual family picture is a must have for me.

85. It bothers me when people tell me I am thin.

86. I often crave Chick Fila chicken mini’s. Writing it makes me hungry.

87. I am always telling my kids to “hurry up!”

88. Growing up my family went to Mattas Mexican restaurant every Friday at 6pm.

89. People often mistake my name and call me Mrs. Claus. It’s pronounced like house with a c.

90. I wish I could do a back handspring.

91. I HATED high school, but loved my 9th grade year in junior high.

92. I ran for 7th grade president at Poston Jr. High. My slogan was so lame.

93. I often tell Doug to slow down, but I often drive fast.

94. I never got a speeding ticket until moving to New Orleans. That place is cop happy!

95. I hope I am as healthy when I am my grandma’s age (she is 78).

96. I am constantly cleaning my ears with cutips.

97. I wipe down my counters when I am on the phone. It’s a habit.

98. I snort when I laugh hard.

99. I crack my knuckles, but hate when others do it. (gross, I know).

100. I can’t believe I was able to write another 100 things about me!