Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Funny Day

Today I would consider myself pretty organized. My house was picked up before I went for a walk, which is rare since we leave a little before 8am or right after we drop off the kids. After coming home I showered and took Luke to school. He was a little late this morning because I wanted to be completely ready since Angie and I had decided to go to the temple. As I was gathering my stuff to get ready I realized that I had left my recommend in Doug's wallet. I normally do this when we go together so I don't have to mess with it. RATS! I thought to myself, the babysitter was just about to show up and Angie was ready to go.....I went into panick mode. I immediately called Doug's cell phone--no answer. I knew he had morning surgery cases but it was emergent! I wasn't going to give up my last day with babysitters and not be able to go. Finally, after calling about 4 more of Doug's colleagues answered the phone. (he is not a member). I told him that I needed something out of Doug's wallet, my temple recommend. In which he said, "your whhaaat?" Finally, after a couple of seconds he turned to Doug who was scrubed in a case. (Once you are scrubed in and sterile you can't touch ANYTHING) Of course he knew what I needed and proceeded to take a towel to whip out his wallet and knock it on the floor. (Will) his friend had no idea what a temple recommend looked like. Luckily one of the students who is rotating here from Tulane happened to be in the room (and a member) pointed out the right little document that I needed. I called Will and he was nice enough to run my holy piece of paper down to me in the parking lot. I had to laugh because I am sure he thought we mormons are a little strange.

Having said stirred up a little in the OR room today. All the people in the room were asking about temples. And was recommend a noun? Ummm Doug said, well I guess it is in our church. Why only members could go in, and not all members could attend, etc. Then the whole polygamy and Jessups case was brought up. Doug made it very clear that Jessups was not MORMON. It creeps me out to think that people assume we are associated with that group of people. Anyways, I had to chuckle when Doug told me that. At least he got to share the gospel a bit today right? Sorry to cause such a chaotic operating day! Oh, and I failed to mention this all occured during one of the most stressful times. The patient began to bleed out--of course the patient is okay. But when you are trying to concentrate on a surgery you really don't want to be have a deep discussion about the church.

I did make it to the temple and for the first time I did initiatories. I haven't done these since I went through for the first time 10 years ago. It was such a great experience. The best part was we were able to sit in the celestial room after the ordinance. Since our tummies were extra hungry we couldn't pass up a trip to Chuy's. Afterall we were only a few miles from it.

We came home and sadly said our goodbyes to Brandon and Laura. We will really miss them. I am sure they are more than ready to go back up to school since they have been living with her parents as newlyweds for the past 2 weeks! So for now we are really high and dry for babysitters. We only have 4 young women in our ward total! Can you believe that?? None are really babysitting material, at least for my 18-month and 3-year-old. I think the older ones would be fine, but I have to consider the other factor. Too bad Taylor wasn't just a bit older that would be perfect!

Can you believe this shirt was only $9.97??

I ended the day with a trip to Wal-mart. Yes, I know we all love this place. I normally really hate it, but Angie had this darling shirt on today and when I asked her where she got it, she said none other than Wal-mart! She always finds the cutest clothes for the greatest prices. So, I couldn't pass up the opportunity of getting a shirt for $9.97 and so cute at that! And we are the doublemint twins. I also found some great scrapbooking items, iron ons, ribbon all in the clearance isle. Perfect!! I am stocked up with projects for a while. Now if I can only motivate myself to doing them.