Tuesday, August 29, 2006


It's been a few days and too much to write, so this may be a highlight of events over the past few days. The weird thing is my days had a bit of a pattern: good-bad/terrible-good. So I guess I will break them up accordingly. First and foremost we have AIR CONDITIONING. That is a huge relief after a few days without it!


I must say I have an obsession with these boys!
I love dressing them all alike in my favorite Gap items
along with Children's Place ties!

I actually had a pretty good attitude about church today, my kids were oddly well behaved so I was able to listen to the speakers in sacrament. Since it was high council Sunday we had the same lessons taught in sacrament and relief society. It was on The Abundant Life by Elder Wirthlin. In brief we discussed what an abundant life and came up with the conclusion that your life is what you make of it. So true! A person with an abundant life normally has a positive outlook in ANY situation and it is also one who is spiritually full. I love the quote Elder Wirthlin gave in his talk.... "The abundant life is within our reach if only we drink deeply of living water, fill our hearts with love, and create of our lives a masterpiece."

I didn't go into the adult Sunday school class since Doug teaches the youth Sunday school. I love going in and listening to his lessons because he is such a great teacher. He taught and discussed about the life of Job. Those who aren't familar with it basically he was a rich man with many possessions, had many children and very successful. All within a matter of days it was gone by various things. He was left with nothing, but never murmured against the Lord. Can you imagine having all of these wonderful worldly possessions, loved by everyone, having a great family and gone in an instant? And on top of that ended up getting nasty boils all over his body so he even didn't have his health. I think if that were me I would be doing some serious complaining. Instead of cursing everyone around him he choose to be grateful for what he had and in the end the Lord blessed him ten fold. It made me stop and think about how very little of importance worldly things are. Those who are abundant in life aren't necessarily the richest. We should be thankful for the small things. I love what Tasha quoted to Michelle, "I have learned to love my body for how it works and not what it looks like." I think that is so true we should be thankful our arms and legs can allow us to walk, cook, clean, pick up our kids, etc. I was watching the hurricane Katrina stories on Sunday and they interviewed a doctor who stayed behind to help through those first 72 hours. It was so amazing to hear his story, but the thing that touched me was he saw a man outside the convention center in a wheel chair who had SEVERE cerebral palsy. He didn't say anything to this doctor, but the man in the wheelchair reached out to give him a hug. Can you imagine the situation and he was expressing love??


Without going into too much personal detail. It was just a bad day that went into terrible. I had issues with Jared's pediatric dentist, money woes, bills to deal with and on top of that was seriously WAY emotional. So with all that said I am glad Monday is over. However, I did get my house cleaned, laundry caught up, and watered my yard. Maybe I should have more bad days, because I really seem to be more productive when I am upset about something and normally don't eat. Or maybe it was because I left my computer alone. However, I don't think I would take yesterday back for anything. I'll chalk it up to experience instead.


The good thing about having awesome friends around is that they know your ends and outs. Angie gave me a package today to cheer me up! Seriously I have said this a thousand times.......I don't know who I would turn to since she literally is my Texas family. She brought over an awesome magazine filled with great ideas on cards, a bag of twix, pink magnetic pad of paper, and a very thoughtful card. I may just have to use a couple of these ideas. Sooo cute!

On another note, I mailed off a STASH of good mail today. (No picture to document, but secret bloggers, and real bloggers be on the lookout). That made me feel better as well. There is just something about giving that makes you feel great inside. While I was at the grocery store today my all time holiday favorite candy was on the shelfs. The Halloween Brachs Indian Corn was out!! Woo hoo! Needless to say I bought about 3 bags since it was on sale for .99.

I decided since I was on the side of town I normally don't travel to to stop at a second hand bookstore. It was called Nine Lives. And yes, there were live cats roaming the store!! Pretty funny/weird all at once. I got a chuckle from it with all of the cat momentos. Of course, Luke stayed right by my side (which was nice) he is terrified of animals. Whereas, Weston was walking around calling the "doggies." He is our animal lover. I should have taken a picture it was quite comical. Anyways, well I think that is a rap for the last few days!

Oh, and on another random note, can you believe that we devoured this thing on Saturday night? It is called the Mile High Sundae.