Screaming my way through the day..............
I am not proud to admit this, but its true. I thought by jotting it down it would remind me of the person I hate being. I did this ALL day today in my house and by the time dinner hit....well I lost it and broke down crying. Although crying made it a little better, the guilt of it all still lies inside. I have decided its time to reevaluate, take deep breaths and let the little things slide off my back. I did apologize to my kids for this behavior and feel just awful about it. The question is I hate it that when one of them (my kids) do something they aren't suppose to I REACT immediately instead of standing back and evaluating the situation. The parenting book that I have picked up and read on and off. Talks about this very issue. I think what I need is to set aside personal time instead of worrying about everything else. I NEED to pick up those scriptures that are screaming my name in the corner or actually kneel down when I am thinking or feeling like screaming at my kids. Although, I have said it...Taylor, Jared, Luke and Weston I am sorry for this behavior! I love you guys and sorry I wasn't the mom I should be. I know all of this......I just need to act upon it.