Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hail To The Chief!

It's official today is July 1st the start of Doug's last year in residency. July 1st is also the day that all new residents begin. So, if you have to get hurt today, today wouldn't be the day to go into a hospital. At least that is what the joke has always been, sense these in coming medical students never know what they are doing. (I am sure you would be fine if you did need medical attention though) You gotta love rumors!

Doug was nominated (not sure if that is the correct term) as the chief resident in his orthopedic program. This means he is the mediator guy between the residents and staff. Or what you would call the go to resident. So any complaint, problem, scheduling conflict, questions, etc they call Doug. His phone literally rings all of the time. I think it is as bad as being R.S. president. Well, that may be extreme, but you get the picture. Despite all of the extra time emailing, time spent on the computer, organization stuff, and extra meetings he does have a few perks. He gets a little bit of a bonus, I guess it looks good on a resume?, a covered parking pass (which doesn't matter--his car is a piece of junk--we pray it will last) a temporary laptop to use, and they do pay for his cell phone bill--at least they say they will--we have yet to see that perk or the bonus for that matter.

The poor guy just pulled a double (up for 48 hrs straight) if you can't tell. He looks a little ragged and sleepy. He was on call at the hospital on Thursday night and was up all night and did surgeries until 2pm today. On top of that he went straight to lectures and a cast clinic that he was in charge of. This was for all of the new interns that were starting. It was kind of a welcome to residency day. After that he met us over at the pavilion for catered Rudys--yum!! The kids had fun playing and stirring up the dirt in the softball fields and in the sand. They were sooo dirty. Anyways, by the time we saw Doug this afternoon/evening he was pretty wasted.

We got home and he immediately got his favorite lounge shorts on and turned it on to the World Cup Soccer game Germany vs. Argentina. Sorry for all you soccers fans I really don't know who won. I think that it was about 8:30 or so and he was out in a matter of about 15 minutes. So I put him to bed, tucked him in and kissed him goodnight for some much needed rest. 4 years down 1 to go. Let the countdown begin!!!!