I feel happy because................

This was my 8th or 9th birthday. I remember wanting a cabbage patch doll so bad!
My grandmas couldn't find one anywhere, but found this one in the newspaper for sale!
I was so excited that I got one--funny I still have it.
Things that made me smile today:
-chicken mini's for breakfast from Chick Fila.
-Hugs from my boys & Taylor
-my cleaned out desk--I did this last night and ripped up a lot of old documents.
-Trash day today!
-my husband coming home early today (2pm)
-my freshly vacuumed house
-mailing off cards and packages to friends/family
-Angie being reunited with her husband after 2 weeks!
-My new cell phone ring for Doug I downloaded last night (Austin powers theme song)
-my kids getting a long and playing together--well all this week except for this afternoon.
-Swimteam season over on Monday--ready for a break!
-Traveling in one week from today to Salt Lake City with Angie--YEAH!! (without my kids).
-My best friend with three boys just found out her 4th is a GIRL.
-Doug's new schedule for work--no weekend call!
-Today is payday!--even though it all went to bills.
-Weston is now interested in playing and building with blocks and points to things.
-Rainy days. It rained last night which I love.
-my birthday is in 3 weeks and so is Taylor's.
-our trip to Carlsbad, CA on the 19th!
-chips and creamy jalapeno dip from Chuys--Greg & Angie just brought us some YUMMY!
-Doug's dad's surgery went well and he is doing great.
**how has your day been?**