Saturday Projects
I am off my happy euphoric high for those of you who were like "gag me" yesterday. I am back to just the old normal me. Doug and I ended up doing mini projects around the house that needed to get done. He fixed my hook in the entry way (that my child decided to pull off the wall) it was screwed in with drywall screws mind you. We discovered that our dumb bathroom facet quit working. You now cannot pull the little lever to take a shower--the piece of plastic broke. This is the 3rd facet that we have replaced since moving here!! Arr so frustrating. I guess either the water pressure is too high or something plus we have very hard water here in San Antonio.
I hosed and cleaned out the garage which was full of grass and dirt. I then decided since the hose was out I would wash my very dirty car. I ended up spending way too much time on it as always. But it is clean. During my process Weston discovered that getting into the bucket of soap was fun. He was completely soaked and loved every minute of it. I have a similar picture of Taylor at about the age of three. Of course I made Taylor go get the camera for this Kodak moment.

We decided at the last minute to get a babysitter and go out to dinner to a place called Stonewerks with the Gordon's. Since Angie's parents are in town they had some free babysitting . Much to our surprise they treated us. That was so thoughtful and nice!! Angie said that she owed me for all of her organization help and Doug's help with Maryn's broken collar bone last week. Whatever!!! I did it because I wanted to but, thanks so much guys!!! You didn't have to do that!! Okay your eyes are a little shut Greg, but not as bad as usual.

Afterwards, Doug and I went to Borders to look at some books. I love browsing here without my kids! This is one place besides a shoe store Doug could spend hours in. (I am really not kidding). He ended up getting this book I had never heard of. Doug is always reading books. I think he must be some sort of speed reader because he just finished some Mafia non-fictional book yesterday. I picked up this book because I had heard so many great things about it. I think this is about the 4th book that I said I was going to read. So we will see which one gets my interest. Well, I am off to bed and forgot that I had a primary class to teach tomorrow. (well I really didn't forget just put it off).