Still Small Voice

This is my nephew. Jared &
him are 9 months apart and
are inseparable when they
are together.
I have been thinking a lot about my actions and the way I view things. Do you ever get an a ha moment in your life? A few weeks ago we had a lesson on the spirit. Her lesson closed with a challenge to us to pray for spiritual experiences. She said so many times we talk about the ones we have had in the past. We need to be striving to be in tune today and not just the ones we had yesterday. I thought that was so true. I can't even really remember any significant experiences that I have had lately. Since this lesson I have made an effort to say my prayers more meaningfully and often. I went to the temple last week for the first time in a while, and actually fasted on Sunday. For those who don't know me, fasting is one of my weakest things ever. I normally don't do it because I get too honory and am just flat out mean with lack of food.
It is amazing how if you really listen when you pray how many things come to your mind. For some reason I have been thinking a lot about my brother lately. He has had so many problems and struggles in his life. However, you would never know it because he is the happiest, he is always smiling, go lucky, sensitive person you will ever meet. He was born with Ushers Syndrome, as well as Nystagmus. At least that is his diagnosis. He never could see very well, but since it is a degenerative disease he is now blind in both eyes and is nearly deaf. He wears hearing aids to enhance hearing, but still can't hear very well. In order for your child to get this both parents have to carry the gene so for my parents to both be carriers it is rare. When he was a young child I remember going to speech therapy with my mom for him, numerous doctors appointments for his eyes, and he was never really all that healthy--always sick. Anyways, I can only imagine how hard it was when my parents discovered that my brother wasn't going to be a typical normal little boy. We always knew something was wrong, but it wasn't until much later in life (like 13 or so) we discovered the name of it. He is also very immature for his age. Although he is 25 he has the mentality of a teenager and is very naive. This is somewhat worrisome because so many people could take advantage of him given his situation. He is currently living in Littleton, CO and is in a training program there for the blind. They are teaching him independent learning skills so he knows what it is like to be out in the big world. For instance, last week they dropped him off at the Denver airport and he had to navigate himself through the airport all alone. My grandma who talks to him at least once a day said that he was so proud of himself that he accomplished this. Can you imagine doing something like that not being able to see in a foreign place? (well foreign to him). I am amazed at people like that. He still has a lot to learn but I am proud of him and his motivation to be independent. It really has got me thinking how blessed Doug and I have been to have 4 healthy, beautiful children. I think I more often than not take this for granted!
We fasted for Doug's dad on Sunday because he is having surgery tomorrow. He is getting one of his kidney's removed because it has become cancerous. When we first heard the news Doug was concerned and my immediate thought was he should fly home. Afterall, he was going under general anesthesia and there could always be complications. After calling his mom, she told him not to worry about it at all. They feel very confident things will be fine and according to three blessings he has received he still has work to do on this earth. That made him feel a little better. He also for peace of mind made a phone call to his good friend Dave (Tasha's husband). Just to get the medical perspective about his dads condition. I was glad that he called him because he was comforted by his words of wisdom and advice.
I am really not the spiritual giant in our family. My husband is and he is a constant role model to me. I am in awe to see how many things he is able to accomplish in one day. He never goes a day without saying his prayers, reading his scriptures, reads ortho books (at least one hour a day), spends time with our family, and never goes a day without saying how much he loves us. I am striving to do this on a daily basis. I have been trying to not only say prayers for our family, but friends and others as well. I never really knew what it was like to have a prompting to do something, but since doing this I have been prompted to do many things. Such as call a friend I haven't spoken to in a while or have just walked up to give Taylor a hug for no reason. Although I may not say them as much as I intend I do always have a prayer in my heart. I have tried in the past few weeks to be a better spouse, friend, and mom. I just hope it shows. Dad we will be thinking of you all day tomorrow!! Best wishes for your surgery and love from all of us!!
It is amazing how if you really listen when you pray how many things come to your mind. For some reason I have been thinking a lot about my brother lately. He has had so many problems and struggles in his life. However, you would never know it because he is the happiest, he is always smiling, go lucky, sensitive person you will ever meet. He was born with Ushers Syndrome, as well as Nystagmus. At least that is his diagnosis. He never could see very well, but since it is a degenerative disease he is now blind in both eyes and is nearly deaf. He wears hearing aids to enhance hearing, but still can't hear very well. In order for your child to get this both parents have to carry the gene so for my parents to both be carriers it is rare. When he was a young child I remember going to speech therapy with my mom for him, numerous doctors appointments for his eyes, and he was never really all that healthy--always sick. Anyways, I can only imagine how hard it was when my parents discovered that my brother wasn't going to be a typical normal little boy. We always knew something was wrong, but it wasn't until much later in life (like 13 or so) we discovered the name of it. He is also very immature for his age. Although he is 25 he has the mentality of a teenager and is very naive. This is somewhat worrisome because so many people could take advantage of him given his situation. He is currently living in Littleton, CO and is in a training program there for the blind. They are teaching him independent learning skills so he knows what it is like to be out in the big world. For instance, last week they dropped him off at the Denver airport and he had to navigate himself through the airport all alone. My grandma who talks to him at least once a day said that he was so proud of himself that he accomplished this. Can you imagine doing something like that not being able to see in a foreign place? (well foreign to him). I am amazed at people like that. He still has a lot to learn but I am proud of him and his motivation to be independent. It really has got me thinking how blessed Doug and I have been to have 4 healthy, beautiful children. I think I more often than not take this for granted!
We fasted for Doug's dad on Sunday because he is having surgery tomorrow. He is getting one of his kidney's removed because it has become cancerous. When we first heard the news Doug was concerned and my immediate thought was he should fly home. Afterall, he was going under general anesthesia and there could always be complications. After calling his mom, she told him not to worry about it at all. They feel very confident things will be fine and according to three blessings he has received he still has work to do on this earth. That made him feel a little better. He also for peace of mind made a phone call to his good friend Dave (Tasha's husband). Just to get the medical perspective about his dads condition. I was glad that he called him because he was comforted by his words of wisdom and advice.
I am really not the spiritual giant in our family. My husband is and he is a constant role model to me. I am in awe to see how many things he is able to accomplish in one day. He never goes a day without saying his prayers, reading his scriptures, reads ortho books (at least one hour a day), spends time with our family, and never goes a day without saying how much he loves us. I am striving to do this on a daily basis. I have been trying to not only say prayers for our family, but friends and others as well. I never really knew what it was like to have a prompting to do something, but since doing this I have been prompted to do many things. Such as call a friend I haven't spoken to in a while or have just walked up to give Taylor a hug for no reason. Although I may not say them as much as I intend I do always have a prayer in my heart. I have tried in the past few weeks to be a better spouse, friend, and mom. I just hope it shows. Dad we will be thinking of you all day tomorrow!! Best wishes for your surgery and love from all of us!!