Fourth Frenzy !
I ran across this quote and really liked it:
"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better."
--Albert Camus--
--Albert Camus--
First and foremost--Happy 49th Birthday Mom! She is the American Baby! My mom always gets cheated on her birthday since its a holiday. I always remember eating her favorite cake growing up angel food with fresh strawberries on top. Followed by fireworks in San Diego. Whatever you may do ...I wanted you to know mom that we are thinking of you and hope you have a great day!

My mom is pictured on the far right with my sister janet, my cousin Keri,
my 2 aunts Nancy & Brenda and my grandma s.
my 2 aunts Nancy & Brenda and my grandma s.
Our 4th of July began early this morning starting at 7am. Doug and I are on the activities committee (we are the entire activities committee--pretty funny). Anyways, we got up and headed out to mark our first annual 1 mile/5K fun run. I thought it was great that we were able to work in our exercise for the day with the pancake breakfast. We had a much better turn out than I ever thought we would and on time too! Here are our ward participants:
snack time during wave pool break
I think we maxed Weston out a little to far!
He had a bit of a meltdown.
It is so great because a member of the bishopric in our ward has this great backyard. So we are able to have many of our outdoor functions here. Just a few months ago we held a Country BBQ dance-which was so fun! These guys are so great and have an amazing family. One son is on a mission in Argentina, another son is at BYU along with daughter. They have two younger sons at home as well. The Bassetts
Once we got everything cleaned up the kids wanted us to take them to Fiesta Texas. I was a little hesitant with it being the holiday and all, but since Doug was off we decided to go. As you can see the kids still had a great time and we left just before it started getting too crazy.

He had a bit of a meltdown.
We got home put the sleepy boys to bed. After eating a snack Jared came running into my room with a tooth in his hand. He has now lost 3 teeth! I told him to smile for Grandpa Dale so here he is. (grandpa is a dentist) As you can see he will need braces one of these days.....
We will end our day venturing out as single mothers tonight for fireworks. Doug is on call and Greg is still out of town. But, this time it is a good thing--Doug is moonlighting downtown at a clinic for extra money. (thanks for all of your sacrifice & hard work honey!!) Anyways, this year we thought we would try going to Boerne (pronounced Bernie). We heard there is less of a crowd and they are pretty good. The last few years we went to Six Flags and it was so hot and crowded I vowed not to go again after last year. Okay by now in my post, you may be getting picture overload!!
Just a few more so bare with me. Later tonight around 8pm we ended up going to Boerne even though it was raining. I couldn't complain because it really has been quite dry--but not a good day for a fireworks display. Once we got to our destination we decided to park the car and just watch them from the sidewalk. As you can see Luke didn't like the loud noise (see yesterdays post). I thought this was a creative way to block out the loud booming noise.
I think we ended up staying about 20 minutes before Angie and I were ready to go get food and Jared was complaining he was tired. Since it is about a 15-20 minute drive back home we headed back for some A&W rootbeer freezes. I must have been super tired because the drive home was putting me to sleep. It has been a long day, but I think very successful. Hope you all have/had a great 4th of July!! Chow for now...........

Just a few more so bare with me. Later tonight around 8pm we ended up going to Boerne even though it was raining. I couldn't complain because it really has been quite dry--but not a good day for a fireworks display. Once we got to our destination we decided to park the car and just watch them from the sidewalk. As you can see Luke didn't like the loud noise (see yesterdays post). I thought this was a creative way to block out the loud booming noise.
I think we ended up staying about 20 minutes before Angie and I were ready to go get food and Jared was complaining he was tired. Since it is about a 15-20 minute drive back home we headed back for some A&W rootbeer freezes. I must have been super tired because the drive home was putting me to sleep. It has been a long day, but I think very successful. Hope you all have/had a great 4th of July!! Chow for now...........